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Rules of Engagement


Look at it, tackle it, deal with it and attack it from all sides. Communication is spherical multiperspectivity. Communication is 360°


Keep in touch. Keep it fresh. Keep it relevant. Ideas are not meant to be pickled, kept in the fridge or stored away for a rainy day. Ideas are meant to be served up. Right now.


If you’re going to do something, make it count. Give it meaning. Make sure you’re constantly stirring up emotions and building relationships. That’s what marketing is all about.


We’re not all the same, so why try to communicate in the same way with everyone? Be individual. Target your messages. Open up dialogues.


Not all clients are the same either. Respect the past and current communication needs of each client and work together for the future.


The client drives his brand, we’re simply his GPS.

Not everything has been done before. When you get the opportunity to innovate – jump at it.


Work hard. Play hard. Stay weird. Keep calling weird normal.



No department is independent. We’re good at different things but we’re better when we’re united.



Don’t stick to what you know. Go with your gut. Roll with different disciplines, mediums and strategies. Success doesn’t come with a set formula. It’s a mix and match of courage and knowledge.